Last Updated on January 27, 2024 by Justin Su

If you are good at finding errors and bugs then you must try this platform at once. The platform is good in its own place but you are not going to make huge money but for sure you will make good money.

There are many similar platforms where you can make good money by testing projects and apps or websites to make good money. It is a legit platform where you can earn money by doing simple tasks.

Let’s check this review to know if this platform is legit or not and how it works.

What Is Test.Io?

Test IO is an online testing platform supporting different devices where you can earn money online for testing apps, games, websites, platforms, and other digital products.

You don’t need to have any experience or specific skills to start working on platform. The only thing you need is to have good internet speed, desktop or mobile.

Most of the tasks are related to mobile devices hence if you have a mobile device then you have more chances of getting more tasks.

Tasks are based on devices so you need to comply with that, if the task is for specific mobile then you must have specific mobile.

The platform is not hard to use, you simply check the availability of tasks, complete the task, and submit your results. You will get paid for each task within a few hours.

How To Join The Test.Io

Once you visit the platform you will get redirected to another domain where you will get different options to sign up for example you can sign up using LinkedIn, Google, or Epam account or you can use email to sign up.

Can use the same methods to log in to your account as well.

After login, you need to have completed your profile by providing the basic details. You must complete your profile to get better and more tasks.

How To Start Making Money On

After signing up and logging in you have to complete the profile. Once you are done with this, you have to pass the tests or guides to make money.

There are course Bug Reproductions of 30 minutes which you have to complete to gain proper knowledge. There is another course of 2 hours divided into 4 parts which you need to complete to get more tasks daily. Courses are Bug Types, Bug Report Attachments, Bug Reports, and How To Find Bugs?

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They support only two different payment methods, which are majorly available in every country. You can ask for payment through Paypal or Wire Transfer. The earnings from the previous month are calculated on the 10th of every month.

Once you request the payment you will receive the payment within the next 10 to 15 days. Is Legit Or Scam? Download App

Let’s check out real test io reviews from the users who tested it. has a mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices. The app is available on Play Store with the name of TestNow, it has more than 50K downloads and has a rating of 3.2 out of 5 from 157 reviews.

But on the App Store, they have a good rating of 4.5 out of 5. On GlassDoor they have a rating of 3.9 out of 5 from 180 reviews.

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