Last Updated on January 23, 2024 by Justin Su

Teaching English online and earning money was easy and fast with SameSpeak but currently, the website is not accessible. So what happened to SameSpeak?

There are many companies in this industry and one of them was Samespeak. It is really hard to find trusted out trusted ones. It is a site where English speakers teach English to other students.

Let’s find out more about SameSpeak in this review.

What Is SameSpeak?

SameSpeak is a platform where you teach foreign students the English language. In exchange for that, you earn money from them.

The company was established and founded by Rowan Brickell in the year 1986. There they allow users from English backgrounds only to teach as most of the learners are foreign students.

But it is not necessary to know English only because some students are here to learn other languages as well.

As a coach, you can work from home and teach English from home easily. They also provide coaches with lessons and support which can help coaches to start their journey.

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Who Can Join SameSpeak?

A person who speaks the English language and has the age of 16 or above can sign up on SameSpeak. The job called here is Coaching jobs where not only English speakers but non-English speakers can join as well.

The benefit of this platform is that anyone can join this platform even without having any experience. Yes, you don’t need any experience to start your journey with the platform.

Where most the sites ask for experience and specific skills this platform doesn’t require anything.

How Much I Can Earn?

The earnings might be low in comparison to other platforms but they make sure everyone joins and earns money while students learn English as well.

They have two types of coaches, verified and unverified coaches. Where verified coaches earn $10 to $20 for each 30-minute coaching session and unverified coaches earn $around or below $10 per session.

The website pays users through PayPal once a week. Every Friday you can receive your earned money but make sure you have at least $100 because the minimum payout is 100 USD.

What Happened To SameSpeak?

SameSpeak was a very popular platform in the year 2010 to 2014 but suddenly demand for SameSpeak decreased as more and more competitors came into the market.

As of now, their website is not working and it is accessible but without any content.